Thursday, October 21, 2010

It Is That Time Of The Year

I hate this time of the year for me mentally.  I am bipolar and for some reason, exactly every year this time of the year, the end of October and the first of November, I really become very manic.  I have been up for two days with no sleep.  So, I called my doctor today and he called me back and I have to go back on Seroquel XR.  This medicine 'should' really help slow me down and help me sleep.  BUT, one of the huge side effects is weight gain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you hear me ROAR ?!?!?  But, knowing this, I 'hope' I can control it, but he is starting me on 200 milligrams.  That is a high dose.  But, I have to sleep and I have to slow down.  He said he hopes that it will only take two weeks for me to cycle through this.  When he called me back and I said, guess what ?!?!?!  He said, "Well, Dawn, it is and I said, I know it is October."  I just hate it.  I do fine all of the rest of the year on my mood stabilizer.  But, for some reason, I have one hell of a time for about 3 - 4 weeks.  I sure hope this is only going to stay around for two weeks. 


  1. I hope the medicine helps. I can't imagine going that long without sleep.

  2. Oh, and if you need to talk, you know how to find me. :)

  3. I'm sorry, Dawn. You know I understand. (((hugs)))

  4. Thanks, Jenn. I am not depressed. I just can't shut myself off !! The medicine did last night. I took it at 11:00 and got up at noon today. But, I am all ready full speed ahead !!

    I know, Sally !! *HUGS*

  5. I'm sorry me anytime you need to talk.
