Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feeling Like Poo.....

Before my breast reduction surgery my primary care physician did some blood work.  My cholesterol was 197.  It is slowly creeping up and I know why.  I have this thing about chicken.  It has to be cooked.  So, I have been having crispy chicken in my salads when we go to our favorite diner, which has been a lot this year.  So, my doctor started me on medicine for my cholesterol and the major side effect is feeling like you have the flu.  I started it five days ago, and I feel like I have been run over by a truck!!  I don't have a fever or anything.  My muscles in my legs hurt so bad that I had to take a pain pill last night.  My arms hurt, my feet hurt, my boobs hurt, everything hurts.  I called this morning and she said to stop it immediately.  I didn't take it this morning.  I am suppose to stop it for ten days.  If I get better, which I hope I do because I feel like crap, then it is the medicine.  If, I don't get better then I have the flu!!  It has to be the medicine.  I saw my hematologist (blood doctor) yesterday.  She monitors my anemia and my white blood count was not alleviated, but, I am still anemic, which I will always be from the chemotherapy.  So, that is the latest and greatest.  If, I am not around for the next few days, you know why!!  I sure hope I wake up feeling much better tomorrow. 


  1. I am so sorry you are feeling icky! DH had BAD chills last night. You'd swear he was sitting naked in a freezer by the way he was shaking. We think it was his flu shot. I hope yours clears up asap and isn't the actual flu! I'll send up a prayer for you.

  2. Aw...big hugs for you! I hope you are feeling better by now.

  3. Oh no! Well I hope you feel better real soon. Take care of yourself :)

  4. I hope you feel much better very soon. I'll be thinking of you.


  5. Jeannette ~ I am ok today !! It was the cholesterol medicine. I hope your DH is feeling better. I do have to get my flu shot on Wednesday. I have never had a problem with it !! Thanks for the prayers !! :)

  6. Jenn ~ Thanks for the hug !! I am all better today!

  7. Lauren ~ I did take care of myself. :) It was my new cholesterol medicine ! I am suppose to restart it in a week. I am not sure if I am going to or not. I felt awful !

  8. Cas ~ I am doing better today! WOOT !! Thanks for thinking about me !! :)
