Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Night Before

Okay.... I am a little nervous.  I am nervous.  My tummy is playing tricks on me.  I know, too much information.  But, I want to look back on this in a year from now.  God, willing I make it through it tomorrow.  Roy needs me !!!!!  Okay... I am okay. 

I just hope my surgeon is watching TV.... NOT drinking... just relaxing.... had a nice dinner.... will get a good night sleep.  I know, I won't !!!!!  I do take a lot of sleeping medicine. 

I did talk to my mom tonight... and I told her goodbye.. and told her that I would be busy, which I will be.. and would talk to her after bingo.  She said, "Oh......."  I told her that Roy and I would be very busy in the morning.  She kind of said, well okay.  I said... Mom... I will call you after bingo.... She will be fine. 

Okay... I am crying... I am scared to DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It 12 hours... I will be in the operating room.  Boy, do I want this OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright.... the end !!!!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

About The Approval Process of My Surgery and More

It is Sunday afternoon and I haven't done a thing all day!  I am getting REALLY excited about my breast reduction surgery !!  I just can't wait. 

Last night when I got undressed and got my night shirt on, Roy grabbed my boob.  I NEVER let him touch them.  I am embarrassed by the size of them.  He said, they are huge.  LOL  I know they are.  I hate them.  But, after surgery, they will ge gone, bye bye forever. 

I am sure you are wondering just how big I am.  I wasn't going to say, but what the heck, right ?!?! 

I started wearing a bra when I was 12.  It was a training bra.  I remember from going to that to a B, C and then all of a sudden I was a DDD and still growing.  I could no longer buy my bra's in department stores.  After many years and reaching my highest weight of over 400 lbs.  My size at that time, which was just about 2 years ago, was a 52II.  Yes, you read that right !!  I had to find a speciality bra store and get my bras.  They cost from $70 to $150 dollars.  They were NOT cute and it was like wearing a crane on your body to lift them up.  During this time, my shoulders, neck and back were really bothering.  Even when I was growing up.  But continued to get steadily worse.  Now today, I am at 190 lbs. and my bra size is a 40FF.  My boobs are never going to go away.  I have always been large busted and my back, shoulders and neck can no longer support them.  I live weekly at the chiropractor's office and still buy my bra's at the speciality store. 

So, I decided in March to pursue breast reduction surgery.  I checked with Roy's insurance, and if I was approved for medical conditions, his insurance would pay 90% and we would have to pay 10%.  Incase you are wondering how much I was quoted for the surgery, he ranged me from $12,000 to $15,000.  So, our part will be from $1,200 to $1,500.  The date of the approval letter is dated on my birthday, but everything that was going on with my Mom at the time, he forgot to tell me that the approval came in the mail.  So, one evening we were talking, and I said to him, "Have we gotten anythign from the insurance company regarding my breast reduction approval"?  He said it came about two weeks ago and you were approved.  I was upset that he didn't tell me when it came, but was estatic that I was approved.  I couldn't do anything about it while I was in Florida.  As soon as I came home, I called, made an appointment with the surgeon and then scheduled the surgery.  Just that simple !! 

I went to a couple of different surgeons, all plastic surgeons, one I just didn't like, one that wouldn't touch me because of a medication that I take (which is saved for another day) and the one who is doing the surgery.  I loved the work that he did on his previous clients. 

I need to get busy and start filling out papers for the anesthesiologist.  I have never gotten sick from it.  Boy, I sure hope I don't, can you imagine how uncomfortable I will be if I do ?!?!?  I don't even want to think about it.

Please don't mention anything on face book about this.  My Mom is not going to know anything about this.  My Mom's sister and my Mom don't want me to have the surgery, because I am autoimmune (which is saved for another day).  My cousin, my Mom's sister's daughter, is my friend on face book and she will tell my aunt so fast that it will not be pretty.  So, this is will you will find updates on how I am doing !!  :)

I find out on Tuesday what time my surgery is scheduled for.  My surgeon said it will take 3 hours to do the surgery.  I have a feeling that he will probably just do me that day.  I am excited and can't wait.  I don't have any fears, yet.  I had a little trouble last night going to sleep and am a little tired.  But, all is good !!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's The Weekend!

4 more days !! I can't believe that Wednesday is right around the corner. I have not had a minute to think about my surgery. My days are packed of things I want to get done before my surgery.

Roy is working this weekend and then he starts his vacation on Monday. Then Wednesday morning, don't know the time yet, I will be having my surgery. Yes, you read that right !! I have to pinch myself !! LOL

Today, I am helping a friend move. Now, you ask yourself, why in the world am I doing this ?!?!?! LOL I am just a good friend, and they asked for help. My back hurts, it is going to be hot.. LOL I am crazy. LOL But, what the heck, I might need a favor or help down the line. My SIL will know who I am helping... it is the jewelry store that moved out of our town about 2 1/2 hours away. I so wanted to get a diamond necklace from them. I still want it. I told them I would help for diamonds !! But, when they had their going out of business sale, I SCORED on jewelry. So, it will be fun !! I think !! Anyway... you all have a great Saturday. I will be back to tell you how I survived !!

Remember, Wednesday.... Wednesday !! :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mobile Blogging

I have just set my blog up with mobile blogging. I haven't tried it yet. You can find it when you log in. I think it will be really nice, when I am away from the computer! I think everyone should check it out. LOL Warning, though, I haven't tried it !! LOL

Getting closer to September 1 !!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


My Baby

Jane took this picture when she and my nephews where here for a visit in June.

We rescued Pedro from a welfare animal shelter. He had been abused from children. He is shy, timid and is just okay around kids. He and Roy really became best buddy's when I was in Florida. I am the one who walks him and feeds him.
 He is my first pet. I have never had a dog or a cat. I am highly allergic to cats. I just woke up one day and said that I wanted a dog and we had him that same night.
 He is 4 years old and a chihuahua. We think he has some terrier in him. He is so much company for us and he is a lot of responsibility for me. He depends on me for everything.

So, there is Pedro !! :)

Is there anybody good with HTML. I obviously need help !! LOL
A HUGE THANKS TO Donna for the HTML help !!  :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Getting Started

I am so excited.  I have so much things going on in my life now.  I don't know where to start.  Right now, the biggest one that I can't wait for is my breast reduction surgery.  I have wanted this for so long.  I have lost over 200 lbs.  I would still like to loose more weight.  But, I really can't do anything until after the surgery.  My back, neck and shoulders hurt so bad.  My arms go numb from my bra straps.  My upper back and neck just can't support my breasts anymore.  I have never been in this kind of pain before. 

My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, September 1.  I will be called the day before to be told the time of surgery.  I wish I knew now.  I have lots to do the Monday and Tuesday before.  This week is really going to go fast. 

I have been approved on my husband's insurance.  His insurance will pay 90% and we will pay 10%.  This is a dream for me.  I know most woman want augmentation.  But, I have been large busted all my life and have put everyone first in my life, now it is time to do something for me.  I can't wait to have these 10 pound of potatoes taken off of my chest !!